Berlingske: Flemming Rose modtager en stor amerikansk pris
“Flemming Rose er en overbevisende modtager af The Friedman Prize. Han har vist stort mod i sit passionerede forsvar for ytringsfriheden, lyder det blandt andet i begrundelsen for tildelingen.”
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CATO Institute: Flemming Rose: Winner of the 2016 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty
“…For the past 10 years, censorship perpetrated by violent Islamic extremists has been a flash point in the long struggle for the freedom of the press. Through it all, Flemming Rose has been an exceptionally principled and articulate advocate of the importance of press freedom. In countless interviews, op-eds, and radio and TV appearances, he has made the case that all ideas deserve a public airing in an atmosphere free from threat and violence. His book,The Tyranny of Silence, chronicles the events of the cartoon controversy and details their chilling implications for the freedom of expression worldwide. It has become a modern classic on the need to stand up for intellectual, press, and artistic freedom.
Established in 2002 and presented every two years, the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty is the leading international award for significant contributions to advancing individual liberty. The Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman died in November of 2006…”
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Established in 2002 and presented every two years, the Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty is the leading international award for significant contributions to advancing individual liberty. The Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman died in November of 2006…”
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JP: Bogsucces - Fire år efter udgivelsen i Danmark har en amerikansk tænketank udgivet Flemming Roses bog Tavshedens Tyranni i USA
“Med ni års forsinkelse har amerikanerne fået øjnene op for debatten udløst af den danske Muhammed-krise, der i 2005 og 2006 skabte kontrovers og tumult i store dele af verden.
Under titlen The Tyranny of Silence udkom en forkortet udgave af Flemming Roses bog i sidste måned i USA, og succesen var øjeblikkelig. Bogen ligger på Amazons top 10 liste over politik og censur, og nu har det globalt anerkendte britiske ugemagasin The Economist placeret den som en af årets 10 bedste bøger...”
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Under titlen The Tyranny of Silence udkom en forkortet udgave af Flemming Roses bog i sidste måned i USA, og succesen var øjeblikkelig. Bogen ligger på Amazons top 10 liste over politik og censur, og nu har det globalt anerkendte britiske ugemagasin The Economist placeret den som en af årets 10 bedste bøger...”
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San Francisco Chronicle: Intimidation and the tyranny of silence
”..Swedish and Danish authorities arrested four suspected militant Islamic jihadists last week for allegedly planning a terrorist attack before this weekend. Their target was the Jyllands-Posten news bureau in Copenhagen. In 2006, the newspaper became the target of terrorist threats after it printed controversial cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in 2005. Authorities say the suspects arrested planned to use the same "swarm" tactics used in the 2008 Mumbai killing spree that left 163 people dead. Læs mere
CNN: New book reprints controversial Muhammad cartoons
The editor of the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons five years ago has written the book, "The Tyranny of Silence," to tell the story of the pictures and to put them in context. Læs mere